“A Couple of Artists” (ACOA) is a collaboration between Adi Shniderman and Merav Ezer. Through a focus on video performance, ACOA explores the ways in which couples interact, compete and play. By documenting encoded actions, emerging challenges, and social dynamics, the result of the work ranges from mundane action to the profoundly absurd, exposing social and psychological imbalances in the process.
Both humor and performance play prominent roles in ACOA projects. From chronicling a couple’s lunch together to documenting a martial arts fight and sacred voyeuristic rituals, ACOA attempts to portray and reflect upon human identities and social roles.
Additionally, ACOA ventures to explore the collaborative process between two people, as an extension of their natural existence as a couple. Itself a union of two individuals with varying interests and abilities, ACOA endeavors to unify forces and work as a team. ACOA defines each project’s methods and requirements through exploration, experimentation and interaction in the studio. Through sharing mutual interests, brainstorming, debating and inspiring one another, ACOA aims to discern a better understanding of human experience, through the process and production of its various projects. It is through conversation and non-stop dialogue by which we highlight the essential elements that create a bond between two individuals.